How You Can Help
Please take a moment to understand a serious threat to our city. Tacoma’s Tree Canopy, which at 20% is the worst among cities in the Puget Sound area, is in further danger.
We are a group of concerned citizens who are working hard to get the City Council’s attention. This is not easy, since they are well down their committed path to increased housing density, which without serious consideration, will likely reduce our 20% canopy.
We believe the best way to work with the City Council is to create a strong grassroots appeal from those of us who live in the city. That means thousands of signatures from voters. We are working hard to make that happen.
But we need your help. You can make a difference! We have researched the issue and have created a petition to the City Council, which urges them to extend the new ordinance being recommended by the city Department of Urban Forestry to:
Develop protections for established trees on private property.
Sponsor the planting and maintenance of new trees.
Create the Urban Forest Commission included in the plan adopted by the city in 2019.
Add a Landscape Architect to the city’s staff so they have adequate expertise.
Create a Tree Appreciation Program that designates Heritage Trees in our city.
Educate developers and tree service companies to preserve rather than to cut trees.
Thanks so much for considering this urgent request. We need your signature as soon as possible to present our case to the City Council by the end of the year.